cat portrait 🎁 gift certificate
cat portrait 🎁 gift certificate
Gift your friends or family a one a one-of-a-kind oil painting of their cat(s), based on a photo of their choice 💛 You will get a cute certificate that you can give to the recipient, with easy instructions for how they can redeem their portrait when they're ready.
- When you check out, you'll get a printable certificate (digital download) with redemption instructions for the recipient
- If you'd like me to mail you a hard copy certificate (rather than printing yourself), please email me or add it in the "order" on the shopping cart page before checking out 💌
- See below for details about materials, sizes, timing, & framing
Feel free to reach out with any questions! You're welcome to email me using the contact form below, or DM me on Instagram.
how it works
how it works
When you check out, you'll get a downloadable + printable certificate that you can give to the giftee! It includes a link to instructions for how redeem their portrait, which you can see here.
materials, framing, & care
materials, framing, & care
Oil paintings on paper can be framed with or without glass. For greater longevity, frame it behind glass with a mat to give some space between the painting and the glass, and avoid putting your portrait in moist areas (kitchen or bathroom) :)
painting timeline
painting timeline
Once I receive the photos, it typically takes 4-8 weeks for me to finish and ship the portrait, thanks for your patience!
shipping included in US and Canada
shipping included in US and Canada
The gift certificates cover the cost of shipping to the United States and Canada. If you would like the portrait sent anywhere else, please email me before ordering so I can get you the best price on shipping 💛
how many cats????
how many cats????
I can fit 1 or 2 cats in a portrait. For more than 2 cats, email me ;)
examples below 🤗
You may notice that sometimes I change the background and colors a bit, but I'll always make sure it's OK with the client :)